
Wild Spring Edibles, Washington

Red Huckleberry (berry)

Evergreen Huckleberry (berry) - leaves (before flowering) are a good stabilizer of blood sugar.

Salal (berry) - astringent

Fairy Slipper (orchid)

Miners Lettuce

Oregon Grape (root) - dig in the fall; astringent; substitute for goldenseal.

Salmon Berry

Salmon Berry - edible shoots.

Wild Ginger

Nettles - adaptogen, helps body adapt to stress; dry leaves for tea; steam spring leaves.

Yellow Dock - steam spring leaves. dig root in fall.

Self-Heal - apply topically to wounds.

Dandelion - edible flowers, leaves.

Rattlesnake Plantain - apply topically

Plantain - apply topically to wounds.

Ground Ivy

Sheep Sorrel - edible arrow shaped leaf

Big Leaf Maple Blossom - edible flowers

Camas Root - edible

Wild Onion/Garlic - Michigan

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