
From the Reservation: Betterment for All

Census: As casinos prosper, many go home to reservations

Successful casinos that have become recession-proof job creators, and a bigger effort than ever to count residents on the reservations have resulted in a bump in populations of Native Americans on Indian reservations across Washington, the 2010 census shows.

While state and local governments have been cutting back, tribes are investing in government programs during the recession, from environmental cleanup and preservation work to fisheries enhancement and social services — including programs and schools used by the non-Indian community.


Tulalip Tribes Donate $1.26 Million to Marysville School District

 The Marysville School District in Washington state has $1.26 million more in educational funding this year, thanks to the Tulalip Tribes.

The tribal nation donated the funding on February 8 to help save programs suspended or canceled because of drastic budget cuts, according to the HeraldNet.

In December the state slashed $250 million in education funding statewide. The Marysville School District’s share of the cut was $2 million for this school year.

Tulalip Tribes Board of Directors stepped up to help fill the gap.

“We watched this, and we knew if there was a way to help we would like to stand up and be part of our larger community that helps out those in need,” said Melvin Sheldon, chairman of the Tulalip Tribes Board of Directors.

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