
Mural Update

News from my creative ally, Bill Joseph:

"I do sort of have some bad news.  Don't know if you know it or not but, we have a raccoon problem at the old campus of PSIS (Paschal Sherman Indian School).  It's true.  I suppose you're wondering what a raccoon problem has to do with the price of tea in China.  I should cut to the chase, and, you should brace yourself.  Racoon's have stolen your four panels.  Yep, it’s true.  One morning I came into work and saw that they were gone and I called the Tribal Police and everything.  After a thorough investigation the Tribal Police has determined that raccoons have stolen your art.  They could tell cause there were a lot of little muddy raccoon prints all over the floor.  I guess they taken them out the back door.  Now, I suppose, you're asking yourself why raccoons have an interest in mural art.  Well, I asked myself the same thing and couldn't come up with any good answers.  Who am I to judge?"

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